Mirani Weekly Bible Study

The Christian Bible study group meets most Tuesday evenings at 6pm at Mirani Medical Centre, 42 Victoria Street, Mirani Qld 4754 (next door to the Catholic church)
(Please phone or text to confirm it is still on as sometimes we have to postpone a week due to other commitments.  Call or text Rex on 0499 338 383)

We are a fairly informal group, no-one has to have any special knowledge about the bible. The bible verses and some study tools are all provided. We do use various study guides, but remember that they are written by people, and the Bible is written by God.
Just bring yourself, and a willingness to discuss and an openness to learn. We hope to see you there!

You can also join in with us online using Google Meet, just have your camera, microphone and speakers ready and click the button below:

Our study subjects:

We normally have a quick introduction and then watch a teaching video then have a quick chat about anything that stood out in the teaching.  There is usually also an opportunity to pray for any specific needs anyone in the group may have.

  • January 2025: Genesis.  https://cornerstonechapel.net/teachings/teaching-library/
  • Past Studies: The book of James. We first watched an 8 minute animated overview of James.   Then this study is following the midweek teachings provided by Gary Hamrick, the Senior Pastor at the Cornerstone Chapel, Leesburg, Virginia, US. Here is the 8 video series.
  •  Jude. Here is a 7 minute animation overview of Jude. Then this 50 minute study is following the teaching provided by Gary Hamrick, the Senior Pastor at the Cornerstone Chapel, Leesburg, Virginia, US.
  • Habakkuk. Click here for the 6 minute animation overview of Habakkuk on YouTube. Then click here for the 40 minute study following the teaching provided by Gary Hamrick, the Senior Pastor at the Cornerstone Chapel, Leesburg, Virginia, US.

Why we meet:

  • Know God and Jesus better.
    John 17:3
  • Understand how to apply what the bible says in day to day life.
    2 Timothy 3:16
  • Begin to see the promises of God ourselves.
    John 14:12
  • Show God to others by how we live.
    John 13:35

Although the group is open to anyone, we do have a common belief that:

  • There is only one God.
    1 Corinthians 8:6
  • All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
    2 Timothy 3:16
  • Jesus is God's only son.
    Matthew 3:17
  • Our relationship with God can only happen because of Jesus dying for us and coming back to life.
    Romans 5:10, Romans 4:25
  • The Holy Spirit is here, sent by God in Jesus' name to remind us and teach us everything that Jesus taught.
    Romans 14:26
  • We are told to train and teach others to follow what is taught in the Bible.
    Matthew 28:19